About Seva

Sustainable – agriculture & Environment Voluntary Action (SEVA) is a NGO and it is a registered society under Society Registration Act of Tamil Nadu (Reg.No.136/92). The Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India has recognized the Society (Reg.No.075940295) for receiving funds from sources abroad under the provisions of the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 1976.

The main objective is to empower marginalized communities through traditional knowledge, grassroots innovations and conservation of agricultural biodiversity. SEVA intends promoting people’s movement with Gandhian principles. SEVA has been involved in the following activities
SEVA promotes self help groups or association with farmers, livestock keepers and grassroots innovators.

SEVA has been a member of “Honey Bee Network” and it collaborates with organizations and volunteers in other language regions of the country for the purpose of knowledge networking. SEVA has been publishing a local news letter in Tamil called “Num Vali Velanmai” for communicating indigenous knowledge, sustainable farming practices, innovations in agriculture, animal husbandry and natural resource management. SEVA facilitates capacity building of grassroots innovators, traditional healers for testing and dissemination of their products in close association with National Innovation Foundation, Ahmedabad.

SEVA is coordinating many NGOs and institutes and document cases of livestock keepers conserving local livestock breeds and recognize them through “Breed Savoiur Award” programme supported by National Bio diversity Authority, NABARD and attempt capacity building of livestock keepers and pastoralists towards conservation of local livestock breeds in India. We greatly acknowledge the support received from National Innovation Foundation, National Bio diversity Authority, NABARD, CEE, VSEI for undertaking our activities.